IZOLYATSIA at the Photo Kyiv fair

On November 2-5, 2017, IZOLYATSIA presents the exhibition Partly Cloudy at the Photo Kyiv fair. The exhibit features works by participants of an international residency of the same name held by IZOLYATSIA in 2011 and curated by Boris Mikhailov, a classic of the contemporary conceptual photography.
After the seizure of IZOLYATSIA’s premises by the armed representatives of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” in 2014, most of the foundation’s collection was destroyed. Among the rescued works are the photographs by Marco Citron (Italy), Richard Ansett (UK) and Flavia Junqueira (Brazil) that made it to the present exhibition.
On Saturday, November 4, at 4 PM, photographer Valery Miloserdov will read a lecture Contemporary Trends in Documentary Photography in the exhibition space.
The Photo Kyiv fair is held at Toronto-Kyiv complex at vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 100.
Opening hours:
November 2-4 – 12 to 8 PM
November 5 – 12 to 7 PM