Sexual harassment at work — mass culture review, legal commentary, discussion

On January, 16 at 19.00, educational event dedicated to research of current mass culture, work ethics and legal awareness of workplace sexual harassment will took place in IZONE.
We’ll check typical communicative situations that happen in the workplace, using examples from popular TV shows and comedy shows of the 21st century, and also discuss the real (anonymous) stories that were sent to project.
Feel free to fill the form if any form of sexual misconduct in the workplace happened to you during your lifetime.
Olena Zaiceva, lawyer and women’s rights expert, will give her professional advise and current Ukrainian legislation state expert review.
Maria Poltorachenko — architect, activist (We will do without vigilantes, feminist educational activities).
Elena Zaitseva — lawyer of NPO "Center for the Development of Democracy", expert on gender impact assessment.
Starts at 7:00 PM
Address: IZONE Creative Community; 4th floor
Naberezhno-Luhova, 8 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Entry is free