Trans Europe Halles (TEH) - the Startup Support Program 2019: Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine

The European organisation TEH continues to support non-governmental cultural centres that are at the initial stage of their development. This time, IZOLYATSIA together with Trans Europe Halles is announcing the start of a new edition of the Startup Support Program for cultural initiatives of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.
What is TEH?
Since 1983, TEH has supported the creation and sustainable development of a network of non-governmental cultural organisations throughout Europe. Since its inception, TEH has been re-profiling industrial structures while simultaneously revalidating entire areas and reforming local communities. At the moment, TEH has united more than 100 cultural non-state initiatives of various specialities throughout Europe.
What does the Startup Support Program do?
The Startup Support Program is a TEH initiative created to achieve their primary goal of enabling the sustainable development of non-governmental cultural centres throughout Europe and the emergence of new initiatives. This program helps leaders to establish similar centres in the territory of reprofiled industrial facilities.
Who needs the Startup Support Program and why?
TEH believes that the emergence of new peripheral cultural centres contributes to the process of integrating artistic community throughout Europe. TEH is committed to supporting the development of an independent cultural environment.
The revitalisation of industrial facilities can predetermine the state of the local area around. The implementation of recreational functions in the region and the creation of cultural conglomerates at the place of heavy industries turn the socially depressed regions into a new environment with a safe and innovative context for the local community.
How does the Startup Support Program achieve its goals?
The program promotes the development of new cultural non-state centres through:
expert advice and professional coaching;
introducing the best examples of launching the similar centres in Europe;
linking up the Capacity Building Program;
investigation of other cultural centres around and the establishment of professional connections on the spot.
Who can participate in the Startup Support Program?
Everyone is eligible to take part in the program if the one
is not a member of the TEH organisation;
lives in the region that is specified in the program conditions - Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine;
represents an organisation that is legally registered;
is dealing with the revitalisation of buildings for the further implementation of artistic or cultural initiatives there;
has a legal agreement, or in the process of negotiations with the owner of the building on the future use of real estate;
represents an organisation that has been operating in this building for less than two years or only plans to carry out its activities there in the coming year.
The deadline for the submission of applications is November 13, 2018. You can find more information in English here or submit your application by the link.