IZOLYATSIA team wishes you peaceful holidays!

Dear friends,
The IZOLYATSIA Foundation team wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope your holidays are peaceful and calm.
During the holiday season, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our friends, partners, and participants in our projects. You have made our work to support and develop Ukrainian society a reality.
This includes 22 national initiatives that reach communities across Ukraine, as well as 25 international projects that contribute to our country's cultural diplomacy through the ZMINA: Rebuilding program. Six large-scale projects that focused on creating new cultural products inspired by the heritage of local communities in seven regions of Ukraine. Artistic residenciesin Ukraine, the UK, Germany, Sicily, and Cyprus. Research projects that look into European industrial heritage in the East of Ukraine, including the history of Soledar and cultural organizations that сollaborate with local communities.
We thank participants of new educational programs, such as grant-writing courses for creative professionals in Eastern Partnership countries, as well as project management training in the cultural sector, course on using heritage to foster social cohesion during wartime, and workshops dedicated to accessibility and inclusivity in the operations of cultural organizations. In addition, we provided opportunities to learn more about Culture Moves Europe cultural mobility programs.
Most importantly, we extend our deepest gratitude to the defenders of our country and to all those who assist and support them. Thanks to your courage and resilience, we can celebrate these holidays with the faith in victory.
Together towards victory!
See you in 2025!