tedxdonetsk: ideas for perfection

April 16 in Donetsk was the first local conference of ideas TEDxDonetsk in eastern Ukraine, which was attended by nine speakers from different spheres of activity, speakers shared their experiences and talked about new ideas. At TEDxDonetsk IZOLYATSIA was presented by a landscape architect Rick Rowbotham: he showed the audience IZOLYATSIA project which soon will be brought to life and he talked about our conception.
"IZOLYATSIA is a special area with its own waste bank, monolithic concrete halls and grandiose relics of industrial production, which rusts over time. Exactly here we propose to use the energy of cultural enterprise: the union of art and architecture will be the main tool of implementing and updating the industrial landscape" - says Rick.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an international non-profit foundation whose main objective is the global spread of ideas that could change the lives of individuals and the world at large. The speakers at the conferences include Nobel Laureates, founders of major corporations, academics, cultural workers and artists and other outstanding individuals. TED Global Conference held from 1984 in Silicon Valley and Oxford. In Ukraine TEDx was the fourth time. Before TEDx was hold in Kiev, TEDxDonetsk is the first initiative in the Eastern region.
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