IZOLYATSIA at Kyiv Art Fair 2018

On May 23-27, 2018, IZOLYATSIA participates in the art fair as part of the Kyiv Art Week, presenting a project Social Contract. Revision.
In summer 2016, IZOLYATSIA initiated a project Social Contract consisting of an exhibition and four art interventions at the former site of the Lenin monument in Kyiv. The project was aimed at creating a discussion platform for art community, society and authorities on the status and functions of commemorative objects in urban space, using the case of the Lenin statue in Kyiv as an example. Whereas the active phase of the project has finished by now, the material gathered and experience gained in those year and a half require analysis and reflection.
At the Kyiv Art Fair, IZOLYATSIA in collaboration with narrative projects (London) presents the documentation of several art interventions, works from the Social Contract exhibition (2016) and few new works that ponder over historical memory and its transformation in contemporary world.
Antonis Pittas (Throw Hands, 2015 and Shadows of Constructions, 2016)
Manuel Pelmuş (A Monument for Kyiv, 2017)
Cynthia Gutiérrez (Inhabiting Shadows, 2016)
Viktor Zasypkin (Untitled, Donetsk, 2012)
Patrick Hough (Those Who Dissolve Into The Future, 2014)
Mahmoud Bakhshi (Endless Celebration, 2017)
Christian Jankowski (Heavy Weight History, 2013)
Social Contract. Revisionis located at the B11 booth of the Kyiv Art Fair, vul. Velyka Vasylkivska 100 (Toronto Kyiv Complex).
Art fair schedule:
May 23: 5 PM – 9.30 PM
May 24-26: 11 AM – 9 PM
May 27: 11 AM – 4 PM