Art-Wednesday: Romana Ruban What's new?

On March 27 as a part of Art-Wednesday project artist Romana Ruban will answer the question What's new? in the format of an exhibition.
Romana comments:
How to answer this question, when it’s enough of “old”? How to answer this question when nothing interesting happens? How to answer this question when something happens that people don't speak about? How to answer this question when something happens, that is hurtfully new? And how to answer this question when people do not ask about it?
The exposition will consist of photographs, zines and graphic works selected as an answer to the question What's new? in this very difficult moment for Romana. These works are a peculiar answer, when there is no power to answer any questions.
Romana Ruban, Kiev artist, graduated book graphics workshop (NAOMA). She is fond of modern self-publishing, printmaking, works on the design of books and music. Romana is one of the authors of the project SEMENKO100, she also participated in several projects of the Pictoric club of illustrators. The latest personal projects are The missing(Зникаючі безвісті) about the endangered species from the Ukraine’s IUCN Red List, as well as Cold Mountain. To-do list (Холодна гора. Список справ) about the heavy hanging pace of everyday life.
Starts at 7:00 PM.
Entry is free.
Address: IZONE, Naberezhno-Lugovaya Street 8, 4th floor.
Art-Wednesday is a project of The Foundation IZOLYATSIA, which seeks to create for the creative people the most relaxed atmosphere of communication. The format of the event is determined by the participants themselves: it may be a presentation, an exhibition, a film show, a performance, a lecture and / or a discussion. Art Wednesday is created in order to provide space for creative people to present various artistic practices, as well as provide an opportunity to share information about current research, ideas and events.