Art-Wednesday: Illya Yakovenko, Krasnaya Shpana. Discussion: Who owns the avant-garde? Malevich-project

July 24, during Art-Wednesday, artists Illia Yakovenko and Oleksiy Markin will present a new project titled Who owns the avant-garde? Malevich-project, which was created by Krasnaya Shpana cooperative.
Krasnaya shpana will present their latest long-term project Who owns the avant-garde? Malevich-project, which is based on the study of historical artistic avant-garde in the context of modern cultural policy of Ukraine and Russia. The project was embodied in performances, implemented jointly with the participants of Russian and Ukrainian communities in Hamburg. One of the main topics of the project is the construction of our image of the national in art and culture. Is it possible to overcome collective alienation through the awareness of this process? At the event Krasnaya Shpana will present a recently published book that holds performance materials, as well as interviews with artists and researchers who are working or covering the topic of avant-garde.
Creative researching cooperative Krasnaya Shpana is a nomadic collective, founded in St. Petersburg in 2014 while studying at the School of Engaged Art. The group consists of three participants: Oleksiy Markin, Olga Shirokostup and Illia Yakovenko, who live in Hamburg, Moscow and Kyiv. Their common method is based on the practice of creative research and understanding the importance of knowledge production as a political process. The current research topic for the collective is the role of art in the national state and its cultural policy.
The project was implemented together with the art factory Kampnagel in Hamburg with the support of the Szenenwechsel (Robert Bosch Foundation and the German National Theater Institute).
Starts at 7:00 PM
Entry is free
Address: IZONE, 8 Naberezhno-Lugova, 4th floor, studio 2
Art-Wednesday is a project of IZOLYATSIA, which create the most relaxed atmosphere of communication for creative people. The format of the event is determined by the participants themselves: it may be a presentation, an exhibition, a film show, a performance, a lecture and / or a discussion. Art-Wednesday is created in order to provide space for creative people to present various artistic practices, as well as provide an opportunity to share information about current research, ideas and events.