Аrt Wednesday: Landscape As a Monument

On July 22, as part of the project Art Wednesday, we are going to discuss IZOLYATSIA Foundation international online residency Landscape as a monument for artists, curators, researchers and activists. The conversation will be dedicated to the concept of the residency which includes following topics: revision of cultural landscapes, history of environment, human / nature dichotomy, material and non-material legacy of modernization.
For the participants the residency will become a period of common work and collective practices in four directions, reflected in the four labs: curatorial, visual, audial and gardening. The most of the communications and events within the framework of the program will take place online, however realization of the final projects will take place in specific spaces. During the discussion Q&A session with mentors and curators of the residency will take place.
In July 2020, IZOLYATSIA continues to conduct a series of online events that explore the human impact on the environment, and subsequently represents a rethinking of the long-term Art Wednesday project in the form of a special programme that will contribute to Grounding as a general institutional concept in 2020-2023. The thematic focus of events in May, June and July will be Down to the Earth, bringing together curators, artists and researchers working at the intersection of contemporary art, industrial aesthetics and environmental activism, revealing a number of practices with a transformational effect.
The conversation will be moderated by PR-manager of the residency Oleksandra Mayboroda and curators of the residency Dmytro Chepurnyi and Oleksandra Pogrebnyak. Live streaming will take place on the IZOLYATSIA facebook page. You can join the broadcast via the link.
Beginning at 20:00, Wednesday, July 22.
Lia Dostlieva — artist, cultural anthropologist, ethnologist, curator of IZOLYATSIA Foundation, residency contributor (UA/PL);
Dmytro Chepurnyi — curator, cultural scientist, co-curator of the residency Landscape as a monument;
Oleksandra Pogrebnyak — curator of exhibitions, residencies and educational projects, co-curator of the residency Landscape as a monument;
Pavlo Kovach — artist, member of the Open Group, mentor of Visual lab;
Anna Khvyl — musician, soundscapes researcher, mentor of Sound Lab;
Lesya Kulchynska — cultural anthropologist, curator and art critic, mentor of Garden Lab.
Art Wednesday is an IZOLYATSIA project that gives space for presentation and discussion of and by artists and representatives of the creative sector in Ukraine. This is a long-term public programme that is in its fifth year of continuous operation. Since June 2016, over 170 public events, exhibitions, presentations, discussions, artist talks and performances have taken place within its framework. The new format of Art Wednesday incorporates special programmes which contribute to the institutional directions of IZOLYATSIA. Art Wednesday creates an atmosphere of interaction and collaboration, disseminating knowledge about artistic, research and curatorial practices, as well as helping connect (un)like-minded people in the spirit of fostering fresh opportunities.
Photo: Darya Tsymbalyuk.