An Andrey Gorokhov’s lecture “Kulebaki Project and Clifford Geertz Anthropology” will be
delivered on November 13th at 13:00. All special event attendance is free. Registration is
obligatory (050 477 26 20 or write to [email protected]). made an attempt to draw a portrait of a tiny industrial town in Vladimirskaya
Region, Russia. But the project did not run to the end. A book was planned to be published
with a lot of pictures and interviews with the inhabitants, as well as comments and thoughts.
As the theoretical basis, they used ideas (possibly misinterpreted) of Clifford Geertz,
American anthropologist, who put forward an idea of ‘thick description’ and gave an
original definition of culture. The trodden foot paths and concrete blocks in the streets
can be treated as cultural artefacts. Each and every object appears to be comprehended,
meaningful, and bear some traces.
The descriptor of the town turns to a maniacal hunter for traces and, simultaneously, to
an interpreter of these traces. In his ‘After The Fact’ book, Geertz shows it is impossible
to complete a description of anything; it is impossible to describe a town, a man or an
event. But it is also impossible to cease searching and decoding of traces. In the result, was filled with chaotic documents of urbanistic medium.
The lecture will gradually pass to the discussion of Izolyatsia’s new project ‘Japanese
hipster\'s guide to Donetsk’
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