Training for citizen journalists by Deutsche Welle Akademie in Mariupol

As a collaborative project of DW Akademie and IZOLYATSIA, a training for citizen journalists will start in mid-June 2016 in Mariupol. The project titled I Am a Citizen Journalist will consist of four trainings featuring Ukrainian coaches and representatives of DW Akademie.
The project’s main goal is to give civic activists and aspiring citizen journalists in Mariupol area an opportunity to gain knowledge necessary for working in the media field. Trainings will deal with a wide array of topics, from journalistic standards to technical aspects of shooting video on a cell phone. The list of topics has been collected during the first trial training, which was held in Mariupol in December 2015.
The coaching team comprises experts from Ukraine. Among the confirmed participants are trainers from the Institute of Mass Information, StopFake, as well as DW Akademie’s coach Bektur Iskender, a specialist in the field of video journalism, mobile journalism and other technical aspects of the work in the media.
Participation in the training is free of charge. To join a group, please send your details to the address [email protected]. The letter must contain a brief information about yourself (name, age, education, place of residence) and provide links to support your media activity as a citizen journalist: blog, page in social networks, website, portal, or other.
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