A garden might be here!

The yards nested in the ensemble of the late soviet living projects “4 quarters in Podil” have many public spaces for recreation. One of those is a roof of a boiler room located on Obolonska 19. The roof was designed and created in the beginning of 1990 as a place for neighborhood meetings and recreation. Unfortunately, the idea never came about. The roof was abandoned. For a long time the entrance was welded shut and the stairs were covered in tar.
Maybe this roof lacks something that could bring life to it? Maybe a garden?
We propose to collectively create a garden on the roof of the boiler room. This garden can become a place of meetings, recreation, communication with plants and one another. And the process of its creation and nurturing can become a space of interaction, communication and exchange. As part of the Garden lab we want to equip the roof with all things necessary for the garden's existence and invite everyone interested to the process of its creation.
On 26 September we invite you to the roof and imagine this garden. We will tell you about our gardening ideas and would like to hear your own.
15:00 - 19:00 Podil Flea Market with the plants and books(Plant Swap is a practice of exchanging houseplants, sprouts, pots or seeds. You can bring your plants to the event for swapping);
15:00 - 19:00 Party for the plants and a playlist by Job Sanchez (Mexico);
16:00 - 17:00 ‘A Garden Could Be Here!’ performance by Veronica Moravijecz
17:00 - 17:30 Presentation of garden idea by Garden Lab collective: Lesya Kulchinska, Dmytro Chepurnyi, Oleksandra Pogrebnyak, Maksym Kozlov, Kseniya Rybak, Alina Lupu, Wera Moraviecz;
17:20 - 17:40 Presentation of the toolkit on ‘How to Make Compost’ by artist Alina Lupu (Netherlands);
19:00 - 20:00 One Night Public Gallery exhibition (Poland) by international travelling only-for-a-night gallery, founded by NOKS Collective (Veronica Morajevicz and Robert Sochatzky). Video for the event provided by "Digital Garden" (Bobby Gray) and “LoopHole” (Robert Sochatzky) will be a part of the gallery as well as a remote Veronica Moraviecz’s performance ‘A Garden Could Be Here!’