How to tell kids about art. Discussion + Results of Laboratory of Contemporary Art

On October 27 at 19:00 an online discussion with representatives of projects in the field of alternative education for children and teenagers will be held online.
What new methods do museums and cultural centers use to work with children? How to make training programs inclusive? How to use new approaches in children's art education outside Kyiv and big cities?
Olha Shyshlova, Head of Educational Department at PinchukArtCentre;
Kateryna Hotsalo, Leading Researcher at Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Art;
Nicole Katenkari, Manager of Educational Programmes at Mystetskyi Arsenal;
Valeriia Buradzhyieva, Curator of Laboratory of Contemporary Art at IZOLAYSTIA foundation.
Moderated by Olena Mason, Curator of the mobile cultural centre Gurtobus (IZOLYATSIA foundation).
During the event curator of Laboratory of Contemporary Art* (IZOLYATSIA foundation) Valeriia Buradzhyieva will present the results of the project.
*The Laboratory of Contemporary Art is a series of manuals that in an accessible way tell about the theory of contemporary art practices in with attached tasks for children and young adults that will be useful not only to the professional community, but also to amateurs. The publication of each manual will be linked and occasionally devoted to online seminars for representatives of regional educational initiatives, where they can get acquainted with art practice, methods, ideas for implementation and will have the opportunity to communicate with artists and curators.
Links to the brochures in a PDF-format:
The Biographies of Things: how to talk about history through objects and imprints
Contemporary Art for Teenagers: working with space and samizdat
The project is implemented with the support of Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. The Ukrainian Cultural Foundation is a state institution established in 2017 as a new model of providing state support and promotion of initiatives in culture and creative industries on a competitive basis. According to the current legislation, the Foundation’s activities are directed and coordinated by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Website:, facebook: