Results of the first open call for short-term Grounding residencies in Soledar

The IZOLYATSIA Foundation, in collaboration with the Soledar Amalgamated Territorial Community, is happy to announce the results of the first open call for short-term Grounding residencies in Soledar, for artists and researchers working with the question of the Anthropocene.
More than 50 applications for the first open call were received, made by artists and researchers from various regions of Ukraine, as well as two applications from foreign artists who are currently residing in Ukraine. The IZOLYATSIA Foundation team took part in deciding the successful applications, as well as the director of the Soledar City Centre for Culture and Folk Art, Olena Atroshchenko and the president of the NGO ‘EO MAMA-86’, Halina Oleinikova.
We congratulate the first residents, who will set off for Soledar in January-March of this year:
- Valentina Bero;
- Nazarii Zanoz;
- Pavlo Kovach;
- Oleksii Radynskyi;
- The duo of @shallow_wat and @some_static_pictures;
- Open Place (Yulia Kostereva, Yurii Kruchak).
We remind you that the second open call for residencies taking place in the period from April to August 2021 will take place in February.
This project is realised with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. The Ukrainian Cultural Fund is a state institution, founded in 2017 as a new model for assigning governmental support and for the advancement of initiatives in the cultural sphere and creative industries on a competitive basis. The Foundation’s activity, in conformity with current legislation, is an integral part of policy and the defined priorities of the Ukrainian Ukrainian Ministry of Culture and Communications Policy.
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