ZMINA 2.0 Project Evaluator

IZOLYATSIA is looking for experts to conduct evaluation of performance of the ZMINA 2.0 project and ensure accountability towards the donor and public.
Following the full scale war initiated on 24 February 2022 by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, an urgent need arose to provide emergency and resilience assistance to the Ukrainian authorities and the population. So we repurpose our project objectives and activities by foreseeing emergency assistance to the war-affected population and to supporting cultural CSOs, cultural institutions etc, activists and local authorities in charge of culture in Ukraine, artists, creators or cultural professionals for continuing cultural life and as a part of the national fight for freedom and independence.
By April, 2023 Zmina 2.0 reached 58 communities with up to 20000 direct beneficiaries within Activity 1 Addressing the immediate war-related population needs and continuing this activity till June including. Within Activity 2 Third-party funding scheme supporting cultural projects 27 projects were funded and implemented and 44 more projects will be implemented by the end of the project as of July, 24 2023.
The evaluator shall conduct this evaluation no later than July 21, 2023 including. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the performance of the ZMINA 2.0 project and ensure accountability towards the donor and public. At the same time, the evaluation will offer a learning aspect to all stakeholders.
Evaluator will focus on the results achieved, exceeded and not achieved by the project, with the explanation why some of the results were not reached, if any. The evaluator will assess if project’s target groups capacity increased, community resilience strengths, personal security and social cohesion supported through emergency assistance to the war-affected population and culture objects. And if the project empowered local communities and promoted their role in covering urgent needs of war-affected Internally Displaced Persons such as livelihood, access to basic services and cultural life.
More information is available on IZOLYATSIA Platform.