Short films by Coming Out of Isolation 2.0 residents on Takflix

IZOLYATSIA foundation and the NGO KyivPride are pleased to announce that video projects created during the Coming Out of Isolation 2.0 residency are now free to watch on Takflix till October, 25. Watch online now: “Main Fortress of the Sich” by Yevhen Korschunov, “The Lucid Skin” by Antigonstaff, “The Camaraderie Sect” by Yana Bachynska, “I am Michelle” by Olena Siyatovska, “Chacho” by Vitalii Havura*.
The artist-in-residency program, Coming Out of Isolation, is held for the second time within a joint project of the IZOLYATSIA Foundation and the public organization KyivPride. The aim of the project is the elimination of discrimination, xenophobia, and prejudice towards members of the LGBT+ community in Ukraine.
* The “Chacho” movie will be available on October, 4 after its premiere at Odesa International Film Festival.