An Outward Glance Public Programme

As part of the exhibition An Outward Glance: Christopher Makos on Andy Warhol’s Epoch, IZOLYATSIA presents a public programme including Makos’ artist talk, lectures, workshops, discussions, film screenings, concerts, and other events around the topics of photography, identity and freedom of self-expression, and Warhol’s era and body of work.
Friday, July 21, 7 PM
IZONE, Second Floor
Christopher Makos’ artist talk
The acclaimed American photographer Christopher Makos will talk to the exhibition’s curator Kateryna Filyuk about his work, followed by a Q&A.
Saturday, July 22, 3 PM
IZONE, Fourth Floor, Studio 2
Portfolio review by Christopher Makos
The pre-selected photographers will have an opportunity to show their works and receive a qualified feedback from Christopher Makos as well as photographer Paul Solberg and art critic Alina Sandulyak, curator of the Bird in Flight School. The best works will be published in the Critique section of Bird in Flight, an online magazine about visual culture.
The portfolio review is carried out in collaboration with the Bird in Flight School.
Thursday, July 27, 7 PM
IZONE, Second Floor
Lecture Andy Warhol’s Epoch by Olga Balashova
The art historian Olga Balashova will talk about the cultural context of Andy Warhol’s work, his artistic experiments and their influence on the 20th century art.
Olga Balashova, PhD, is an art historian and critic. She is a professor at the Department of theory and history of art of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture, Kyiv.
Thursday, August 3, 7 PM
IZONE, First Floor
Andy Warhol and Film: A Revision
Film producer Anna Palenchuk will present Andy Warhol’s film and video works, based on extracts from his most iconic productions.
Anna Palenchuk is a film and television producer and screenwriter. Founder of 435 FILMS and Maq Entertainment film companies. She is the laureate of the First Step Berlin award.
Thursday, August 10, 7 PM
IZONE, Second Floor
Discussion Kyiv in the 1970s and 1980s. Individuality and Freedom: People, Places, Events
What was going on in Kyiv in times of the rise of alternative culture immortalised in Christopher Makos' photographs? The participants of the discussion will talk about 1970-80s Kyiv, its everyday life and various urban identities as well as the models of behaviour in times of social unfreedom.
Participants: photographer Volodymyr Falin and author Oleksiy Nikitin.
Moderator: Vladyslava Osmak.
Monday, September 25, 7 PM
IZONE, Second Floor
Lecture Photography and Identity Construction by Alina Sandulyak
The lecture will focus on the 1970-1980s as a decisive period for photography, when the medium entered the realm of contemporary art, becoming a favourite material of postmodern artists; and on the role Andy Warhol played in this process.
Wednesday, September 27, 7 PM
IZONE, Second Floor
Lecture The Moon Museum (1969): Apollo XII’s Secret Art Mission
At the finissage of the exhibition, Director of Bob Rauschenberg Gallery Jade Dellinger will talk about little-known Experiments in Art & Technology (E.A.T.) project that clandestinely sent and permanently sited original artwork by six artists on the lunar surface in 1969.
The IZONE Creative Community is located at vul. Naberezhno-Luhova 8.
The admission is free to all events.
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