Lecture Andy Warhol’s Epoch by Olga Balashova

On Thursday, July 27, at 7 PM, as part of the exhibition An Outward Glance: Christopher Makos on Andy Warhol’s Epoch by IZOLYATSIA, the IZONE Creative Community will host a lecture Andy Warhol’s Epoch: Persons, Phenomena, Events by Olga Balashova.
Olga Balashova will talk about Andy Warhol’s America and the events of the post-war life that defined the course of history in the decades that followed: television, emergence of pop culture, art sсene, and the culture of celebrities that attracted the artist so much. The art scholar will try to answer the questions that became central to Warhol’s work and key to the present ‘post-truth age’: is there life behind the silver screen, and how can one reach an undistorted image of the real?
Olga Balashova, PhD, is an art historian and critic. She is a professor at the Department of theory and history of art of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture, Kyiv.
The lecture will be held at the second floor of IZONE, at 8 Naberezhno-Luhova Street. Free entry.
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