The solar path

The “Disputed Territory” exhibition is being held at the M.P. Kroshitskiy Sevastopol Art Museum. It is a reflection about holes in the frozen and divided into spheres world, about territories that should be kept within eyeshot and hopes given by them.

Alexey Salmanov, the participant of the RESIDENCY 2012, takes part in this exhibition. His work – “An untitled project” – documents changes of the Solar Path on the southern coast of the Crimea.

Alexey Salmanov
Now this shady path which served as a hiking route for the Romanovs lives in chains of fortifications, fences and one can see once free mountains and sea only through these barriers.

Alexey Salmanov
“This project considers the relationship between the public and the private. That’s what I do, due to the social field. I care about what happens in our society, so I discuss it,”- Alexey Salmanov says.

