Belarusian artist to play at the closing of the ZBOR exhibition

On Friday, May 6, at 7 PM, IZOLYATSIA presents Sasha Ilyukevich of The Highly Skilled Migrants (Belarus), who will play at the closing of the exhibition ZBOR. Belarusian Art Movement.
London-based Belarusian musician Sasha Ilyukevich and his British band The Highly Skilled Migrants create an incomparable brew of post punk electric energy and folk lyricism. This is one of those rare power pop bands who transcend their inspirations to create powerful and original music of their own, dubbed ‘Russophone Post Punk and Folk Rock’. Sasha’s lyrics play on images from Eastern Slavic Folklore and Russian Literature. The characters his songs paint are brimming with satirical and provocative mischief. His vocals swoop from soft whispered melodies to raucous screams, defying language barriers to deliver songs that are uplifting, intelligent, macabre, romantic and melancholy.
Lessons of Russian Literature / Уроки Русской Литературы, 2016 - Work in Progress
Songs Under The Bridge / Песни Под Мостом, Album 2015
Ha Numa / Га Нума, Album 2009
The concert will take place at 8 Naberezhno-Luhova Street.
Free entry.
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