IZOLYATSIA participates in the first International Rebirth Day

IZOLYATSIA participates in the first International Rebirth Day - an art event conceived and organized by the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Reflecting on the general concern about the impending approach of the end of the world allegedly foreseen by the mass consciousness on December 21, 2012, Pistoletto considers this day as the symbolic beginning of a new era in the history of mankind - as if the end exists, there should be also the start of something new.Pistoletto argues that modern society is going through a transition, crisis phase of development. With one hand, it demonstrates the different ecological imbalance provoked by mindless consumerism and irresponsible attitude to nature, multiplied by the global economic and cultural instabilities. On the other hand, it is characterized by an impressive growth of technological resources and significant development of the scientific and intellectual thought in general so this phase gives the mankind an unprecedented opportunity to both destroy and create.
With the symbolic end of the world all the mankind stands on the threshold of a new world - each of us can become its builder. It is not necessary to be a hero, a public person or a famous politician - you just need to be responsible and love the place where you live, relate to the people around you, and practice this love and responsibility in your everyday life.
In order to celebrate the Rebirth Day, IZOLYATSIA creates its winter fair, which, however, is very different from the simple event of sale. In keeping with its philosophy of social changes through art, which excludes the mass production and other schemes of the capitalist functioning IZOLYATSIA invited to its fair only artisans and designers who create unique objects with their own hands.
In addition IZOLYATSIA team has created out of the ordinary design for the former industrial warehouse, transformed into a winter forest concept through various, already served their productive life things: old computers, cages for the transportation of mineral wool and other scrap metal. Some of these things will be transformed into a kind of musical instruments, from which everyone can make the melody. Recycling, that is recycling old materials and giving them new functions, is the basis of IZOLYATSIA philosophy built on advocating of eco-consciousness.
The Pistoletto\'s art project and routine, as well as artistic IZOLYATSIA practices converge exactly at the point of ecological thinking, which includes all sorts of directions of actions - from the careful attitude to the body, which raises questions about the issues of economic power to the concept of environmental communication, which refers to teaching society as an organic body, in need of constant care. The fair at IZOLYATSIA is precisely this growing social organism in the process of creative exchange.
The project involved more than 30 art centers and museums in different countries. At the result of the Rebirth Day the film will be released and shown at the Louvre next June.
Image: (c) rebirth-day.org
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