Educational programme of Grayson Perry’s The Vanity of Small Differences

Grayson Perry The Adoration of the Cage Fighters (detail) 2012 © the artist. Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London and British Council. Gift of the artist and Victoria Miro Gallery with the support of Channel 4 Television, the Art Fund and Sfumato Foundation with additional support from Alix Partners.
As part of the exhibition The Vanity of Small Differences by Grayson Perry, IZOLYATSIA will host thematic educational events by Cultural Project.
18.02 (Saturday)
3 – 5 PM
Lecture Works of Grayson Perry: Chronicle of modern society
Winner of the most prestigious contemporary art award – the Turner Prize – British artist Grayson Perry is mostly known for his use of old and forgotten media such as ceramics and tapestry. These media, however, are used by the artist to tackle the most relevant issues of modernity, creating a vivid description of today’s life with its manners and customs, its fears and dreams.
Lecturer: Kateryna Filyuk, curator and art critic. She is the director of the Dymchuk Gallery (Kyiv), Project Manager of the Curatorial Programme of Research in Eastern Europe, and curator of the Social Contract project by IZOLYATSIA. Kateryna lives and works in Kyiv and Amsterdam.
The lecture will be given in Russian.
25.02 (Saturday)
3 – 5 PM
Exhibition tour
Lecturer: Tatiana Zhmurko, art historian, senior researcher of the research department of XX-XXI century art at the National Art Museum of Ukraine.
04.03 (Saturday)
3 – 5 PM
Discussion Fashion and taste of British and Ukrainian society through the prism of contemporary art
Analysing Perry’s tapestries, works by other artists, and phenomena of popular culture, participants will discuss the following questions:
How are fashion and taste related to class in contemporary Britain and Ukraine?
Do social classes really exist? Do they come about naturally, or artificially?
Who preserves the class system and how?
Is the transfer from one class to another possible, i.e. does the class mobility exist?
Reflection of class in fashion: what codes must be respected to show one’s affiliation with a group? Is it possible to learn them?
Participants: Nadiia Chushak,anthropologist, researcher of cultural memory, nostalgia, and post-socialism. Queer activist. Works as a Coordinator of the Human Rights Programme of the International Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights Docudays UA
Daria Posrednikova, Kyiv National Shevchenko University and London College of Fashion graduate, project manager in the field of fashion. Considers fashion as the laboratory in which there are studies, experiments and discoveries.
Moderator: Hanna Vasyk,PhD in philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture, programme manager in the PinchukArtCentre.
The discussion will be held in Ukrainian.
11.03 (Saturday)
3 – 5 PM
Lecture Pool (No Water): the work of Young British Artists (YBA)
The title of the lecture refers to Pool (No Water), a work by British playwright Mark Ravenhill. In his play, Ravenhill studies the mechanisms driving the contemporary art world, namely the idea of success and envy from the peers, using a group of artists as an example. Mark Ravenhill, born in England in 1966, is well familiar with the art processes in the country in the late 1980s – early 1990s – the period of formation of a generation of young artists, mainly alumni of the Goldsmiths, known as YBA, or Britart, who came to prominence with a series of radical and controversial exhibitions. The lecture will focus on their artistic practices and the exhibition projects that pushed them on the forefront of the art world.
Lecturer: Tetiana Kochubynska,curator of the PinchukArtCentre national exhibitions and the scientific research department consultant.
The lecture will be given in Russian.
18.03 (Saturday)
3 – 5 PM
Lecture Works of William Hogarth. The beginning of the golden age of British painting
Whereas English literature has held a leading position for centuries, fine arts in Britain have long had a different status. Everything changed in the 18th century, and the first in the cohort of great names of British art was William Hogarth. The artist developed an innovative approach, putting to practice his idea of serial painting (a kind of proto-comics), and became one of the greatest colourists of all times.
Lecturer: Natalia Romanova,Senior Lecturer at theKyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television Universityand professor of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture.
The lecture will be given in Russian.
All the events will take place at 8 Naberezhno-Luhova Street, Second Floor.
The exhibition is open daily, 12 to 8 PM.
Free admission.
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