izolyatsia is continuing a program of eco-subbotnik

Foundation IZOLYATSIA. Platform for cultural initiatives is continuing a program of Eco-Subbotnik and on Saturday, June 18 will be open day.
We are continuing the arrangement of the park and the 2nd "Eco-Subbotnik" is our next step for the development of the park territory. Each one of you can help to clean the park of garbage and industrial waste and give your own ideas about park-to-be.
‘Eco-Subbotnik’ is a social project, which aims to attract people\'s attention to environmental issues. In this project everyone can contribute to the improvement of our city. Dear Friends, again you have an opportunity to see the space of IZOLYATSIA in untouched industrial form, to stick it on your memory and on opening day to compare, how we have transformed it.
We invite you to join the initiative. We want to meet and get to know our friends and citizens; share ideas for future projects.
‘Eco-Subbotnik’ address: 3, Svetlogo puti St., Foundation ‘IZOLYATSIA’. Platform of cultural initiatives.
By public transport from bus station Centre 2, by bus #20 bus stop ‘Plant Izolyatsia’ trip time 20-25 minutes.
11:00 - Gathering participants of cleaning-up (volunteers, partners).
11:00 - 11:30 - Briefing on safety. Issue of equipment and tools.
11:30 - 13:00 - Eco-Subbotnik.
13:00 - 14:00 - Sightseeing (climb slagheap).
Partner of ‘Eco-Subbotnik’ program is trading house ’Amstor’.
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