Two eco-events from the very heart of Netherlands

Entrance is free. In order to participate you have to register until the 2nd of December via email [email protected] or by phone 050 477 26 20
December 3rd, 13:00
Lection by Joost Smiers: «Fragile world of culture. Protecting cultural and ecological education.»
What does "cultural resource" mean? Cultural resource of human worries as natural resource is exhaustible. It is centuries-old layer of human creativity and thinking that became a base for every new piece of art or analysis. Lecturer from Netherlands is going to talk about legality of resource and cultrual monopolies, about abilities of restoration and protection of fragile cultural resource.
Dr. Joost Smiers is currently Professor Emeritus of Political Science of the Arts and a Research Fellow in the Research Group Arts & Economics at the Utrecht School of the Arts, the Netherlands
December 4th, 13:00
Lection by Pat Van Boeckel and Karin Van Der Molen "How art cought the rabbit. Ecological art in urbanic spaces»
Artists will present their work in ecological art sphere in Netherlands, and also some other works by artists worldwide with the description of aims, underlying messages, importance of work in dialogue with local space, cooperation with local community, educational aspect and communication.
Pat van Boeckel - artist. Karin Van Der Molen - sculptor.
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