Culture and Conflict exhibition in Slovakia

30 March 2016
On April, 28, 2016, Culture and Conflict: IZOLYATSIA in Exile opens in Kosice, Slovakia, in the art centre Tabačka Kulturfabrik.
After presentations in Paris, Prague, Augsburg and Berlin, the exhibition continues to inform audiences about events in Ukraine and to showcase various perspectives on the ongoing military conflict there.
The project, developed as an informational event aimed at drawing attention to the war in Ukraine, has not lost its significance. The same can be said of the opportunity to communicate the stories of people who support the differing parties to the conflict — ranging from the separatists of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk Peoples Republic”, who took over the territory of the foundation in Donetsk and transformed the cultural centre into a prison and military base, through to the young journalists, artists and activists, forced to flee their homes in the Donbas region for fear of their democratic rights. Furthermore, documentary material in the exhibition, including photographs, video and interviews, communicates the stories of former prisoners — artists and civic activists — detained by “DPR”.
The ongoing installation House of Cards by Serhii Zakharov will also be on view as part of the show. This features a construction of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk republics as a big, but still fragile house, which will fall down, once the main card, depicting Vladimir Putin as the Joker, is removed from the game.
Address: Gorkého 1068/2, 040 01 Košice
Exhibition schedule: April, 28 — June, 16, 2016.