Russian illegal prison on IZOLYATSIA premises has been operational for 10 years.

Montenegro: Praktična radionica za pomoć u prijavljivanju za grantove mobilnosti

U petak, 18. septembra u 17h, Institut za savremenu umjetnost poziva umjetnike/ce i kulturne profesionalce na info-sesiju i radionicu posvećenu projektu individualne mobilnosti Culture Moves Europe, programa Kreativne Evrope koji pruža putne grantove za sprovođenje međunarodnih projekata u svim kulturnim i kreativnim sektorima (osim audio-vizuelnog) u zemljama Kreativne Evrope.

Culture Moves Europe je program Evropske unije koji se sprovodi preko Goethe Instituta, namenjen podršci međunarodnoj saradnji, koprodukciji, susretima, razmjenama, istraživanjima ili posjetama profesionalnim događajima za umjetnice/ke i kulturne profesionalce zemalja Kreativne Evrope. Koristeći ovu mobilnost i jednostavan, ali fleksibilan proces prijave, umjetnice/i i kulturni profesionalci mogu da obave kratke, srednje i dugoročne posjete drugim zemljama Kreativne Evrope radi ostvarivanja svojih profesionalnih ciljeva samostalno ili u grupi.


17:00 - 18:00  Info-sesija 

18:00 - 19:00 Praktična radionica 

Tokom info-sesije, članovi tima ISU će objasniti detalje procesa aplikacije: korišćenje Goethe aplikacionog portala, pripremu potrebnih dokumenata, apliciranje kao individua ili grupa, korake nakon dobijanja granta i proces izvještavanja.

Nakon kratke pauze, sesija će se nastaviti praktičnom radionicom. Učesnici će imati priliku da prođu kroz aplikacioni obrazac, postave praktična pitanja i dobiju pomoć i sugestije za mobilnost. Cilj sesija je pomoći u pisanju uspješnih aplikacija i pružiti priliku umjetnicima/a i kulturnim profesionalcima da dobiju putne grantove od Culture Moves Europe.

Address: Fondacija Petrovic Njegos, park Krusevac, Podgorica, Monténégro

Prijave slati na: [email protected]

Culture Moves Europe pruža grantove za mobilnost umjetnicima i kulturnim profesionalcima u svim 40 zemalja Kreativne Evrope. Pokriva sektore arhitekture, kulturne baštine, dizajna i modnog dizajna, književnosti, muzike, izvođačkih umjetnosti i likovnih umjetnosti. Sa budžetom od 21 milion eur, Culture Moves Europe nudi putne grantove za oko 7,000 umjetnika, kulturnih profesionalaca i organizacija domaćina od 2022. do 2025. godine.

Culture Moves Europe: Practical course for mobility grant writing

On Friday, September 18th at 5:00 PM, the Institute for Contemporary Art invites artists and cultural professionals to an info session and workshop dedicated to the Culture Moves Europe individual mobility project. This initiative is part of the Creative Europe program, which provides travel grants to implement international projects in all cultural and creative sectors (except audiovisual) within Creative Europe countries.

Culture Moves Europe is a European Union program implemented by the Goethe Institute, aimed at supporting international cooperation, co-production, meetings, exchanges, research, or visits to professional events for artists and cultural professionals from Creative Europe countries. By using this mobility scheme and its straightforward but flexible application process, artists and cultural professionals can undertake short, medium, and long-term visits to other Creative Europe countries to achieve their professional goals, either alone or in a group.


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Info Session
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Practical Workshop

Address: Fondacija Petrovic Njegos, park Krusevac, Podgorica, Monténégro

During the info session, members of the ISU team will explain the details of the application process: using the Goethe application portal, preparing the necessary documents, applying as an individual or a group, the steps after receiving the grant, and the reporting process.

After a short break, the session will continue with a practical workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to go through the application form, ask practical questions, and receive assistance and suggestions for mobility. The aim of these sessions is to help write successful applications and provide opportunities for artists and cultural professionals to receive travel grants from Culture Moves Europe.

Culture Moves Europe provides mobility grants for artists and cultural professionals in all 40 Creative Europe countries. It covers the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literature, music, performing arts, and visual arts. With a budget of 21 million euros, Culture Moves Europe offers travel grants to around 7,000 artists, cultural professionals, and host organizations from 2022 to 2025.

Culture Moves Europe: Practical course for mobility grant writing workshop is organized in cooperation with IZOLYATSIA. Platform for cultural initiatives and Malý Berlin.