Art and artificial intelligence. Artist talk by Ellen Pearlman

On April 23 New York-based artist Ellen Pearlman will give a public artist talk about the practices of working with artificial intelligence and its use in contemporary art. The event is organized in frames of the American Arts Incubator program.
Is there a place in human consciousness where surveillance cannot go? Can artificial intelligence be fascist? These are just some of the complex questions raised by the work of Dr. Ellen Pearlman in her brainwave and AI operas Noor and AIBO. In this artists presentation Ellen will show excerpts from both operas and highlight their technological breakthroughs. She will also present her work as Director of ThoughtWorks Arts — a global research and innovation lab at the forefront of new developments in emerging technologies that embraces the unique perspective artists can help foster to understand the implications and impacts technological developments have on society.
Dr. Ellen Pearlman is a New York based new media artist, critic, curator and educator. As a Zero1 American Arts Incubator/U.S. State Department artist she will be leading workshops in the Ukraine on artificial intelligence and art. A Fulbright World Learning Specialist in Art, New Media and Technology, she is a Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia, and on faculty at Parsons/New School University in New York. Ellen received her PhD at the School of Creative Media, Hong Kong City University where her PhD thesis was awarded highest global honors by Leonardo LABS Abstracts.
The talk will be held online on IZOLYATSIA facebook page and ZOOM in English with simultaneous translation to Ukrainian.