Lecture LGBT movement in Ukraine: From homonationalism to queer anarchism

On March 16, 2018, at 7:30 PM, as part of the project Coming Out of Isolation, IZOLYATSIA and KyivPride present a lecture LGBT movement in Ukraine: From homonationalism to queer anarchism by Anna Sharyhina.
What key LGBT+ events took place in 2017 and before? What were they about? What is the LGBT+ movement’s contribution to the Ukrainian society? What plans for 2018? The LGBT+ movement in Ukraine is currently one of the most developed activist movements. It has both right and left wings, many of its members have liberal democratic moods; there is much criticism from inside and outside and a few crises in the past.
The KyivPride Programme Coordinator Anna Sharyhina will analyse ideological bases of the current stage of the LGBT+ movement’s development and talk about the main trends and forecasts. The lecture will be followed by a discussion open to all visitors.
The lecture will take place at the IZONE Creative Community, vul. Naberezhno-Luhova 8.