17 April 2016
On April 17, at 12:00 IZOLYATSIA will host TORMOZOK party – a regular meeting of Donbas dwellers dedicated to the mechanisms of protection of internally displaced persons.
Legal advice of lawyer and human rights activist Natalia Tselovalnichenko will be provided in the format of an Open Lecture on the topic: Tools and Perspectives of Protection of the Rights of Internally Displaced Persons who Suffered from the Military Actions in Donbas.
The longer the military conflict in the East of Ukraine continues, the more unresolved questions there are in the state and to the state, especially in the legal field of restoration and protection of the rights of internally displaced persons. Natalia Tselovalnichenko, the Head of the Luhansk Human Rights Group, will explain during the event which rights you have if you are an internally displaced person, if you have suffered damage from shooting attacks or from other illegal actions, if your property has been damaged or lost during the military actions in Donbas or if you and your family can’t use your property, which has stayed in the occupied territories.
You will learn:
• what to do to protect and to restore your rights
• why acquire the victim status for protection of the violated rights
• why lodging an application to the European Court on Human Rights
Standard documents and forms on protection of rights of internally displaced persons, as well as documents on protection of rights in the European Court on Humans Rights will be uploaded on the website of Donbas Studies research project.
The open legal advice will be held at IZONE creative community (8 Nabrezhno-Luhova Street, Fourth Floor), which will also be hosting The Bridges of Donbas photo exhibition by Sergey Polezhaka.
Free admission.
The event is supported by the Luhansk Human Rights Group
The Project is made possible with the support of the Human Rights Fund of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.