Izolyatsia invites you to its Winter Fair

Practicing philosophy of social transformations through creative endeavors, IZOLYATSIA celebrates the first International Rebirth Day and the symbolic beginning of a new era in the history of mankind by its winter fair and invites local artisans, craftsmen and designers who create unique hand-made objects to share them with the community.
For the occasion of the winter fair, IZOLYATSIA team will also create a special stage-set transforming one of the industrial warehouses of a former insulation materials plant into a magical winter forest conjured up from old computers, transportation cages, and other metal scraps and filled with fairground stalls offering amazing things from wool and felt, glass and clay, textiles and straw.Turn on the holiday mood ahead of the New Year
December 21st from 17:00 to 20:00
December 22nd from 15:00 to 18:00
December 23rd from 15:00 to 18:00
Facebook Event | Vkontakte Event
Published: 12 December 2012, 20:05
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