Artist Túlio Pinto in residence at IZOLYATSIA

16 January 2014 — 15 February 2014
I relate to the world through the visual alphabet of simple forms and the inner force of the materials I use. Coming from a tropical country like Brazil, ice and snow are necessarily getting into my visual language as an in and out experience.
Land#7A seasonal issue is the encounter between a void cube profile made of steel and a smaller but solid cube of ice. Standing by the doors at IZOLYATSIA, whatever the changes it might suffer due to the weather or any other conditions, will make part of the artistic process daily registered in the piece's visual diary, carefully documented and presented at the end of the process.
This is only the first piece of a series dedicated to analyze how materials and circumstances make art works alive, therefore in an unstoppable process to death.
Túlio Pinto