
17 May 2013 — 3 November 2013
The interactive installation Reckoning by Jennifer Dalton invites viewers to reflect on issues of economic and symbolic exchange from the standpoint of their life experiences. You can consider situations where you have given more than you have received back or where you have received more than you have given.
Visitors of the Meeting Place exhibition at IZOLYATSIA could fill out the appropriate survey sheet and place it in either “Surplus” or “Debt” box. In exchange for your participation you are invited to take one of the buttons located under your entry box. Multiple surveys can be filled out reflecting different aspects of one’s life.
American conceptual artist Jennifer Dalton has exhibited this project in Queens, one of New York boroughs, from December,12th 2012 to March,17th 2013 and received 500 responses with descriptions. Answers from Queens are printed on separate sheets and attached to the wall behind the boxes.
IZOLYATSIA visitors are invited to compare their life situations of symbolic exchange with New Yorkers' answers and to reflect on the "economy of life"- how we receive from the world, and how much we give in return.