Travel in no man's land — artist talk by Kurt Kaindl

On November 19, at 7 PM, Kurt Kaindl will give an artist-talk and tell about his practice and particularly his new project — Travel in no man's land — photographs along the former iron curtain from Lübeck / Germany to Trieste / Italy.
Geographically, the photo reportage follows the former inner-European borderline from Lübeck to Trieste. Kurt Kaindl approaches the former Iron Curtain from "both sides" — the East and the West — and captures the special atmosphere in artistic reportage photographs: he visits the landscape created by the vast no-man's-land, shows the changes in the cities and villages, and above all photographs people who still or only now live on this formerly insurmountable border. There are pictures that follow the traces of the border fortifications, document the destruction of villages near the border and depict the border landscape as a place that has not yet found its way back to the "normality" of the surrounding countryside.
Kurt Kaindl, born in 1954 in Gmunden, a secondary school in Linz, studied German and Communication Science (Dr.Phil.) in Salzburg. 1981 Co-founder of the Fotohof Gallery in Salzburg. Publisher of the "Edition Fotohof im Otto Müller Verlag". Publication of monographs and curator of monographic exhibitions (Fritz Macho, Harald P. Lechenperg, Inge Morath, Karl-Heinrich Waggerl, Stefan Kruckenhauser, Gerti Deutsch, Heinz Cibulka, Werner Schnelle and others). Kurt gives lectures on the history and theory of press photography at the universities of Salzburg, Munich, Bamberg, and the "Georgia State University" in Atlanta as well as at various universities of applied sciences. Lives in Salzburg, Austria.
In the beginning, his photographic artistic work mainly comprised the depiction of historical habitats and cultural techniques, published in the form of exhibitions and illustrated books: "Innergebirg. Wege in die Tauern" (1986, together with Heinz Cibulka), "Wurzmühle. Industrial Archaeology from the Upper Waldviertel" (1994, text by Harald Waitzbauer), "Abfischen" (1997, text by Hans Eichhorn). Since the turn of the millennium, numerous journeys to European minorities and studies of the living conditions of marginalized groups and emigrants; in addition, subsequent exhibitions and illustrated books: "Die unbekannten Europäer" (2002, text by Karl-Markus Gauss), "Der Rand der Mitte" (2006, text by Karl-Markus Gauss), "Reisen im Niemandsland" (2009, text by Karl-Markus Gauss and Clemens Berger), "Vom Leuchtturm sehe ich das Meer" (2011, texts by various authors) and a contribution in "ÖsterreichBilder" (2017, text by Christiane Kuhlmann).
Starts at 7:00 PM.
Address: IZONE Creative Community; 4th floor
Naberezhno-Luhova, 8 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Entry is free
Artist talk by Kurt Kaindl is made possible by Austrian Cultural Forum