Cultural Manager and Researcher Jorge Esda in residence at IZOLYATSIA

6 August 2019 — 30 August 2019
On August 15 —August 30, 2019 cultural Manager and Researcher from the Canary Islands Jorge Esda is a new resident at IZOLYATSIA.
Jorge Esda studied in Madrid (URJC), Beijing (UIBE) and Istanbul (Ticaret Üniversitesi) on the fields of Business Management & Communication and is specialized in Cultural Management at the FIBICC. As Cultural Manager, he has been involved in several artistic projects with diverse artists and institutions: De la Puríssima, Instituto Cervantes, Ai WeiWei, Cai Guo Qiang or Vicente Guallart among others. His current study focuses on Music and its connection with concepts such as “identity”, “imaginary”, “collective action”, “social movement” or “cityscape”. He pays special attention to the impact that sound has on the experience of life.
During his residency at IZOLYATSIA, Jorge Esda will work on developing a vivid generational portrait of the artistic scene influenced by techno music. His aims is to make a contribution to the understanding of the power of music in Kyiv’s creative universe.
On August 29, at 7PM, Jorge will give an Artist Talk at the IZONE Creative Community, Naberezhno-Luhova 8.