Laboratory of Contemporary Art: methodological manual on how to teach children and teenagers

13 September 2021 — 30 November 2021
Laboratory of Contemporary Art is a methodological manual on how to teach children and teenagers current art practices, as well as how to work with children’s audience in museums and galleries. The book tells about various mediums and topics: from curatorial work to anthropological research, from drawing and art therapy to photography and land art. A separate chapter is devoted to how the artistic approach can be used in talks with children about ecology.
The manual will be useful for teachers, parents, educational initiatives, employees of cultural institutions and anyone who wants to learn about contemporary art movements. The printed edition will contain an annex with interactive materials for classes with children. In addition, there will be a free electronic version in PDF format — so you can print the necessary exercises.
Among the authors of the Laboratory of Contemporary Art:
Yevstakhiia Melnykova (Malyuvtsi studio, Lviv)
Sofia Ryabchuk (Head of the Educational Programs Department at the Mystetskyi Arsenal National Art and Culture Museum Complex, Kyiv)
Mariia Agisyan and Olha Poliak (Zwanzig Partisanen art group, Chernivtsi)
Mariia Kolomiets (Kolyorova Kapusta art-hub, Kharkiv)
Olha Shyshlova (Head of Public Programs at the PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv)
Valeriia Karpan and Maryna Khrypun (Cultural Geographies art group, Kyiv)
Natasha Chychasova (curator, researcher)
Alevtina Kakhidze (artist, teacher, gardener)
Natalia Lisova (artist, curator, chief of land art symposia for children)
Olena Braichenko (reseacher, founder of the project on gastronomic research їzhakultura)
Valeriia Buradzhyieva (curator, compiler of the Laboratory of Contemporary Art)
This book continues last year's series of zines about contemporary art for children and teenagers, which you can find at the link.
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